What is EFT?
Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping as it is most commonly known is a complementary therapy which works with the body’s subtle energy system to bring about positive changes in physical, emotional and behavioural issues. It is believed that the body has a network of energy pathways called meridians. By ‘tapping’ near the end points of the meridians, which are located just beneath the surface of the skin, we can promote emotional and physical healing. Meridians are mapped out in pairs around the body and when using EFT, we mainly use the upper body and hands. Read more about Tapping in my article which was recently published in the Hypnotherapy Directory.
Anxiety Relief
Watch this quick video to learn how
Emotional Freedom Techniques
can help you feel calmer.
What can Tapping Help With?
It’s thought that the physical action of tapping calms the nervous system by interrupting our fight-or-flight response, and increasing our endorphins. By saying positive affirmations as we do this, we can stimulate our energy channels and ‘neutralise’ emotional blocks.
EFT can help with a variety of emotional and physical issues, including; fears and phobias, painful memories, grief, anxiety and stress, weight loss, cravings, limiting beliefs, habits, performance issues such as fear of public speaking, exam anxiety, fear of visibility, emotional and physical pain, sleep issues and anything else that holds you back from being the best version of you.
How Does Tapping Work?
Painful memories, experiences and events cause a disruption or ‘short circuit’ in the body’s energy system and if this is not resolved, negative emotions are formed. By tapping on a problem, blockages in the energy system are removed and energy flow is balanced, thus leading to emotional and physical healing.
The practice of EFT involves tapping on a series of meridian points on the body whilst speaking your thoughts and emotions as they arise. It may seem strange to focus on negative thoughts and emotions, but what we are doing is bringing the problem to the surface in a mindful and gentle way.
As we are focusing on the thought, feeling or emotion, specific areas of the brain are activated. However, as we tap, we’re also sending a calm signal to the brain and telling it that the mind and body can relax when we think about the problem. With the help of a therapist, we are then able to deal with different aspects of a problem as they arise.
Book an online EFT Session
Your First EFT Session
Our first meeting will be an Introductory EFT session of up to 90 minutes were we will discuss what you need help with, your therapy goals and finishing of with EFT. You will receive a small guide so you can start using EFT at home. From there, we will arrange your subsequent sessions. I usually advise at least 3 sessions, however this may vary depending on the presenting problem.
Feel calmer
If you are suffering from anxiety or stress watch this quick tapping routine to help you feel calmer.
My EFT Story.
I attended a Tapping course many years ago and although the course was great, i was still sceptical. I'm one of those people who need proof and so i set the information aside for another day and basically forgot about it.
On one particular week, i was having a really bad bout of sciatica. I couldn't sit, stand or sleep without the pain running down my leg. Then i remembered that strange tapping course i had been on and started to tap. After Tapping for around 15 minutes i went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. It was then that i realised the pain had gone!
It was such a relief to feel comfortable again and i was impressed so i started to study properly and used Tapping to help with other areas of my life such as my limiting beliefs, my low confidence and a fear of the dentist. Further training led me to accreditation with EFT International and now i love using this gentle yet powerful therapy to help other people feel better and more confident.